Sunday, August 9, 2020

Weeks 27, 28, 29, 30 & 31

 I thought I had only missed two weeks, how does this keep happening? At least I have a chunk to post. I've ordered a smaller lightbox as well. My current one doesn't do well with individual models as I assume they're too small for the area. (it does well for vehicles and larger models though)

First up are two models by Artel W. Above is "Fire Drake Prime" which is basically just Not-Fuegan, the Phoenix Lord of the Fire Dragons. Normally Im not into super specific bases but this one drew me really hard into it and I had to get it. I may just use it as a display piece. Simply paint is as good as I possibly can spend a ton of time on it and use it to display.

Next up is the Seeress by Artel W. This model will become Llamiryl. A farseer amongst the survivors of Lynn-Maera my broken craftworld.

Next is Leilythia, Llamiryls twin sister. She was given visions by Cegorach and has followed them into founding her own Harlequin Masque, the Void's Call. She's not entirely sure where her dreams are leading her but she does feel the need to follow them.
From the sides you can see the color shifters on her cloak better.

From the rear you can see the wet blending I did on her ribbons & gloves really well.

Next up is a group of players, I wont say anyhting else about them. I did paint their gemstones this time though.

Afterwards I did a couple of Starweavers. Heres the first in blue & purple to match the squad posted above.

And the second done in green & purple to match the first harlequin squad I did.

Next is my Death Jester. Painted up this week and trying out a wraithbone look for his gun and a LOT of wet blending on his collar. I think it turned out spectacularly good.

The first model of my Dwarf Clan, I sorta just went all in, didn't bother with test models. Blue was my scheme and I plan to stick to it. This is an engineer. I had already painted him up once before but ended up stripping that paint off when I started up my new dwarf army. Going with snow bases because it suits dwarves so well.

Another Sylvaneth warrior. I used Tesseract glow on his hair this time. I think it came out wonderfully.

8th Member of the Emeraldguard my elite bodyguard to Titania, and the Morrighan royal family.

And everyone all together. I also have been working on painting up that big terrain set I did a while back.

I might find a new venue to post models because honestly. Blogger is getting a bit shit.