Monday, January 28, 2019

Weekly Update #3

Day late on this but theres a reason. First I finished up a regiment+2 of ogre Ironguts. The two being another command (banner & musician) for other Ironguts you can see in another post. These guys took a long time to finish (6 hrs or so). But they look alright. I'm now down to 12 Ogres and 3 Monsters before My Ogre Army is fully painted (and I can think about expanding it or starting a new army)

Next up I ran into some problems with my paint being packed for most of the week so instead of painting up miniatures the next two days I focused on building. First was a set of Wraithblades I had originally used for Warmachine but since I never really got into that game I decided to convert them back to their original (the ones they came with) bases and make sure they were all proper Wraithblades...just in case I ever start playing Eldar. They'll be fun to paint up sometime.

After that I painted 10 Zombies from the "Zombie Vixens" box set by Wargames Factory. They're pretty good quality but a bit thin. I plan to use them with my Zombicide set when I eventually paint it up (being that running out of normal zombies in that game ends up being pretty annoying). I should get the other one thats male Zombies as well. My personal favorite is the girl dual wielding briefcases to the far left. I got 20 more of these in the box so They'll take up a couple more days of building sometime

Finally the reason my paint was stored was I had planned to meet a friend at our local hobby shop and paint there. Being that I want to garner attention for the hobby I wanted to do a large impressive creature from my collection. (thus my reasoning for getting the regiment out of the way earlier in the week to keep my Regiment->monster->regiment schedule). Well here it is. My Stonehorn.

I need better lighting, I've started avoiding using the flash but my lights are kinda orange so until I can get a better photography set-up the coloration will be kinda off on these photos. Might be a while for that. (might try photographing elsewhere in the house in the future)

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Weekly Update #2

I think this records the date of the update anyways so no reason to title it that way. Heres this weeks updates though!

First I went back and got every ogre whom I already painted but whose base I hadn't painted and fixed that oversight! I missed one that was in my D&D box though =/... so he's been added to the next batch of basic ogres I'm painting (this week!)

First up for character is Oin from the Hobbit set by GW. I think its Oin. I like his beard braid and I painted the edge & scarf yellow to keep in theme with my other dwarves.

Next is Freja Fangbreaker from Reaper. First time doing darker skin and I think it turned out okay. I'm really impressed by how the wood on her shield turned out. Looks excellent. Less happy with how the red in her hair/braids showed up but its alright.

Here's the other side so you can see the design on her shield. Picture came out a bit blurry but thats okay. I'm too lazy to fix it. Also like how the gem on the axe pommel looks.

Next up is Radagast the Green! This was a limited edition model that came with the Hobbit Starter set and I'm particularly pleased with how he came out. I may go back to touch up those eyebrows that I can't unsee now that I'm looking at the picture but everything else looks pretty great!

A Dwarf Engineer by Games Workshop. Pretty sure this is no longer in print with the dawn of Age of Sigmar and dwarves seemingly shuffled into either Techno-dwarves led by Airship Monopoly Man or Dwarven Slayers riding dragons. He looks good though with the metal, I wish I had based him before painting as I feel the flat grey base does him a disservice. I'll look into priming future models *after* basing them.

I did not paint this fine fellow this week, oh no. This was my first ever painted miniature. the command of a Bugman's Rangers squad for dwarves that I painted in 1998 (My time frame may be a bit off here, but around when I was 10 or 11 since I remember I was a year under the "recommended age" on the warhammer box which was 12).  I wanted to post him to compare to the recent dwarf since they're the same style and even color of beard. Goblin Green base!

Finally I touched up the face on this gnome bard from last week. It still looks a bit odd in a photo but it looks fine on tabletop. I need to practice faces a lot.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Weekly Update #1

Decided to make Sunday my update day! (Sorta out of boredom since I have nothing else to do on Sundays)

Starting out I painted up one Games Workshop Giant! and fitting my Pirate-ogre theme he wears a diving bell helmet.

The skin turned out a bit splotchier than I intended thanks to the inking I usually use for my ogres but I guess since he has more skin it didn't quite sink into the cracks as intended but its a giant so they're typically dirty. He took a long time to paint up fully.

Next is Trinia Sabor, who I believe is a character from a Pathfinder Adventure Path but I'm not entirely sure. Shes an acrobat and the mini is from Reaper Miniatures. My model came with a missing right arm but I thought that was kinda flavorful so I didn't complain. Maybe I'll play a D&D monk missing an arm someday.

Shes the first mini I actually took the time to ink "properly"... using brown ink for flesh & leathers and black ink for the blues of her vest, sash and hair (as opposed to my normal technique of just covering the entire model). So uh getting better at painting!

Da booty.

Then Reddalf, a Gandalf model from I think GW's first Fellowship set. I already have one gandalf from the hobbit set painted grey (albeit with a yellow sash to match my dwarves). So I decided to start getting more creative with color choices. This is possibly the best model I've ever painted. I'm really happy with how he came out overall. I also decided to start basing models at this point...though my only basing materials are tan stones and static grass so I may leave some bases blank if I want them to having something like snow.

Finally I have a gnome warrior from Reaper minis. With her large face I wanted to try doing facial features but... It didn't turn out so well. But at least it was an attempt. She looks fine from tabletop height but does not photo well at all. I may go back and try to fix her up at some point. Or order another of the same sculpt and try again. I got to use Reapers Punk Rock Pink for her and I really liked the color (its the color of her hair).

I'm using some new photo techniques at the advice of my friend Brice so hopefully the models overall look better. See you next Sunday.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Coming Back

Its been a while since I've posted on here and I'm going to keep it as a kind of journal I guess since I prefer posting here to anywhere else. So I'm going to try and regularly post my new models painted every week as I paint them up. Probably sometime on Mondays is my planned update time...

So heres whats new (not everything I've done in the last ~6 years but what I've done this week)

Mournfang Cavalry by GW, had these guys for a long time but never got around to finishing them with the death of Warhammer Fantasy... now I've painted them up and am going to try and finish the rest of my army before I put them in storage. (At least until I find people to play 8e or 9th Age or finally break down and try AoS...but no-one plays that around here either...)

Boromir from GW's LotR (I think this sculpt is OOP). I have a ton of LotR miniatures sitting around and I'm sure they'll make good models for D&D characters. Boromir being an excellent fighter/bard (or just Valor Bard)

I want to say this is Merry from the GW's LotR game (Also OOP I believe), but I honestly can't remember. I've been painting a lot of my LotR models in off colors since they'll likely just be used in D&D games from now on. Merry would make a pretty decent halfling.

Karmina Noxx from Raging Heroes. They make alternative models for GW games (mostly female variants of space marines, imperial guard etc.) If I ever do an Imperial Guard (or other Imperial force) she'll make a great sniper (really I just liked the model)

Before the end of the week I'll try and get a decent photography method down and get pictures of other stuff I've done for the last ~6 years.