Saturday, July 4, 2020

Week #26

Heyo another week another set of models here we go.

First is the chaos lord from Blackstone Fortress. I started lifting up models because it gets the light on them a bit better. I removed his top knot because, well I just really don't like top knots.

His back with the fur cloak.

Next up is the first of my new Harlequin Scheme. The Void's Call. I really like this color combination.

Another angle. I used a color shifter paint for the mask, belt, shoulders and where applicable the knee pads. This one is armed with a sword & neuro disruptor

2nd unit in the squad. I typically model them with swords but use them as caresses simply because I like the sword more.

Another angle! This one has a sword & shuriken pistol.

3rd Harlequin!

This one is armed with an actual Caress (the glove) and a fusion pistol.

4th Harlequin. Armed with a Harlequins Kiss (a tube-like melee weapon that uncoils a monofilament wire on a spool and whirls it around inside the target to liquify their insides). And another Shuriken pistol

Alternative angle.

5th Harlequin

Armed with sword & fusion pistol again. I originally painted the sword as a glossy black to give a sort of obsidian glass blade look but it didn't turn out the way I wanted to I returned to my preferred silver blade.

Full squad together! The first troupe of the Void's Call. I plan for other units to mix up the accent colors (ie another squad might be blue+green or blue+purple instead of green+purple)

Finally I painted up a female minotaur for D&D. I just thought she was neat.

And from behind.

The minotaur duels the chaos lord but receives some unexpected help from the harlequin troupe!