Saturday, September 28, 2019

Weekly Post #33

Greetings for this week I painted up some fun things! I was going to paint T'au for Sept'ember but kinda found I might have fucked up a few of my paints when I transferred them to dripper bottles. Among those my purples which are critical to painting my Tau so I swapped to painting some other things.

 First up is my very first "Gloomspite Git" a little night goblin (grot?) fellow with a blue moon on his shield. Thats because hes from the "Blue Moon Clan" a group of mushroom/moon worshipping psychos.

Next is my first Sylvaneth. A Tree-Revenant Was a s urprisingly quick paint job. And looks pretty good.

Next I painted up Haldir from the Lord of the Rings game. First time attempting wetblending on his cloak. Though its a tad hard to see in the lighting it does drop to full red and doesn't just stay orange. I'm thinking maybe I should have added in a darker red at the very bottom. THe idea was flames going up to white at the top.


Finally I painted Gamling from LotR, Unfortunately the photos turned out AWFUL. And the varnish I put on him is way too shiny for my taste and he looks oiled up. Regardless

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Weekly Posts 30, 31 & 32 (yes I'm cheating)

So I'm posting everything I've painted for the last three weeks (plus some extra)

First is my Cults Leman Russ! The Hammer of Typhon!

 Next a snippet from a battle report I played against a friend. A lone shield drone charged some zombies and then spent 2 turns (4 rounds of combat) fighting them without dying.

 I built my Argent from reaper bones. Hes a big dragon.

Next we have three marines for "The Grimm" my space marine chapter. These are the original marines just all in the finalized color scheme.

Here they are all together!

Here's a Legolas model though I decided to paint him as a drow. I think he came out nicely.

In week 31 I started working on my Wraithblades and had them finished by week end.

I also transferred my paints from pots to dripper bottles. I might have used a bit too much flow aid and they came out a tad watery but still very usable.

 Next I built some Goblins that came in! The horde is growing!

I finished up the guardians. They're too samey to post alone.

I also finished painting my Wraithguard up. I found a better way of painting them while I did this using a dark grey instead of black. Only one model here was painted with actual black.

Finally this week I painted my Spiritseer, the mage guides of the Wraith units.

 And with his completion the Eldar army is finished (until I buy more units). Next up: The T'au for Sept'ember.