Sunday, November 10, 2019

Weekly Post #39

Hopefully back into regularly posting here we go!

First guy up is a metal Eldar Warlock. A low level psyker that act as assistants to the more important psykers like Farseers. I got him from my Warpcrate box! Which is like a warhammer lootcrate thing. Actuall all the models today are from Warpcrate so thats pretty neat!

Next is another Spiritseer. I was a bit disappointed to get a second of the same model from Warpcrate but its not like they could know so... I painted him up a bit different than the first one as shown below:

The Left is the first Spiritseer I did while the right is the new one. Keeping the colors the same but mixing up where I put the colors goes a long way to making them differ from each other despite the pose. (Also I was lucky that the original owner did do a minor bit of conversion by altering the angle of the staff)

Finally I got the big Psyker himself the Farseer! I decided to go a bit heavier on the white for him. Painting up his coat in it which makes him stand out a bit from the rest of the Craftworld.

Finally all three together.

See you next week!

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Like Fuckin, Five weeks of updates I really need to get this shit together. so weekly update #38 as this is everything I've done for October basically.


Painted these up a few weeks ago. 2 more Grots a banner and a Sylvaneth. All good guys.

The Sylvaneth

Netter Gobbo!

Banner Gobbo!

Another Spear Gobbo!

I bought a warhammer Mystery box subscription ($25 for $40+ of random used mini's, set to either bi-weekly, monthly or tri-monthly, I'm set for tri-monthly atm since I'm trying to catch up my backlog). In this subscription I got 3 Eldar Minis but all characters from left to right: A Warlock, Spiritseer and Farseer.

Spent some time with friends at a shop but didn't have anything to do so my friend let me paint one of his rat ogres. I ended up going a tad wild and using a purple ink over the flesh to give it a purple glow. It came out pretty neat.

I painted a stripe on both the Tank and Dunecrawler. I ended up going over it again with a more solid blue later because I didn't like the washed out look the contrast paints gave me.

Built a couple barricades like this. I also built some larger walls as line of sight blocking terrain.

I also set up my airbrush and started airbrushing my Space Marines. Heres the Redemptor Dread mid-spray.

Mini-waffle break.

A Skitarii WIP

Today I built the rest of my Reaper Bones 4 Minis, just as Bones 5 is ending. Gonna have to get these painted over the next year before Bones 5 arrives.

Painted a couple of T'au Drones

A T'au Pathfinder!


Blurry Sylvaneth I need to get a better indoors picture taking

3 Little Robo-boys to act as familiars for my Typhon

Snippy boy bringing in some big scissors

What a Big Flag this guy has. Hes an acolyte Iconward our cheapest HQ, he gives defense bonuses.

Then an Alchemic Familiar! I like his little bottle and goggles. Hes adorable. This is Dylans favorite model in my army (and possibly all of warhammer). I have a sneaky feeling it will be brices favorite model. (either him or the robot familiars up above)

Another angle

Biophagus! This is the Alchemic Familiar's Boss. I also really like him he was fun to paint up.

The Sanctus! A knife wielding assassin (he can also wield a sniper but I built him with a knife) He likes to pop up and stab people.

I also painted up my Skitarii Rangers. In practice these guys will play as Neophytes with two special weapons.

Finally I have my full army! Every Genestealer Cult model I own is painted up now! Huzzah