Sunday, June 28, 2020

Week #25

Actually posting weekly! A surprise!

First up is the final Beastman of the Blackstone Fortress Kit.

Not much to say about him. I've done three others like him

Similarly I did the remaining Spindle Drones. These were so easy to paint I did all three at once alongside the two Ur-ghuls.

They're neat little spindly robots.

I love my paint formula for Ur-ghuls. Bluish off-white, then blue wash across the body with pruple wash around the face & hands followed by another layer of bluish off-white. So fun, good resilts too!

Their backs!

Did both grenadiers!

They have lots of grenades. Like 6 or 7 total?

The two run & gun Cultists as well.

Lot of cloth on them so they end up looking more tan than red but thats okay.

The clubbers

I painted the left one early on this week when I was still doing text on all the cloth but uh decided not to continue this trend due to the amount of cloth on these guys. Oh yeah I batch painted all the cultists at once. Which was brought on by how easy batch painting the ur-ghuls & spindle drones was and doing it with the cultists was a mistake that drained me creatively.

Finally the trio of shooters, Two Lasguns and a Flamer. I really like the cloak on the flamer guys.

Another view. With these three all cultists in the BSF set are done.

But its not just cultists is it? Heres the second Chaos Marine of the group.

And from behind. These guys were pretty fun to paint. I should have used a lighter silver on the CSM's trim but whatever. Hes done. With him finished all I have left is the Chaos Lord & Aeldari Ranger. (The chaos lord is mostly done and should be finished up tomorrow)

The forces of chaos find themselves beset by the native inhabitants of the Blackstone Fortress.

Also my new Harlequin Troupe Scheme! This isn't 100% done so expect to see this guy next week when I finish him up. I'm looking to mainly play these guys going into 9e.

The Void's Call is a harlequin masque following a young troupe master by the name Leilythia Heartseeker. Currently their goals are unknown.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Weeks 22, 23, & 24

Something something I keep forgetting to upload =/ Close to halfway through the year though!

Built some harlequin models from Death Masque. 2 Skyweavers & a Starweaver. I also built the troops but didn't photo them. Heres Skyweaver 1 with a zephyrglaive user on the back.

And heres the 2nd skyweaver. This one with a star bolas. I sorta traded out the star bolas for a sword (which will count as a zephyrglaive) because the star bolas is kinda terrible now that I think about it.

Finally the Starweaver. Aka "Clowncar" since its the transport for the harlequins. None of the riders/drivers are glued on any of these models. Even the top gun on the star weaver isn't glued in for the purposes of painting later.

Next week I started up on painting sisters again this one with blue & green and carrying a heavy flamer.

After her a sister superior with combi-plasma & power sword.

Its a bit hard to see but I painted the power sword with a color shifting paint. It came out... okay imo.

I bought some poseable magnets for the skyweaver & starweavers. heres some poses they can achieve now. Also keeps their stands from breaking off in transport or during a game.

The large one for the Starweaver works magnificently. I'm not entirely sold on the smaller ones yet they can be a little flimsy but they seem to hold decently at least.

Next up a bunch of models I painted this week (week 24). First is a Spindledrone from BSF. I wanted him to look similar to the material the Blackstone Fortress is made out of (so uh... blackstone) but didn't want him to match the flooring perfectly (which is also supposed to be blackstone). So I painted him a dark grey instead and washed over it once. I also gave him a glowing green eye. The scheme was really simple but I think it works well.

I also painted his little wires green. Joins on the legs are pitch black to give a bit of contrast overall.

Next up is the 2nd Traitor Guardsman Sergeant. Hes a fun model.

I painted his pelt black this time.

After him is the 3rd Negavolt cultist. I both love & hate these guys. On one hand they are a paint to paint but they look awesome when finished.

Heres the other angle.

Next up is a really old chaos warrior (like 3rd or 4th edition WHFB plastics?) regardless here he is in all his glory. I used him as a paint testing ground for the color shifter paint and he came out... really good honestly. The paints all look good from multiple angles and you can really tell the shifting.

Here he is from the back.

And finally from the ri ght where you can really see it on the skull shoulderpad.

Kili from the Hobbit has seen better days. This face will haunt me.

I really love how his cloak came out though so I should probably return and fix the face someday.

King Theoden from LotR but I gave him black hair so hes more of a generic king now. He was fun and his goatee turned out well.

DEAAAAAAAAAAAAATH! (I should really base him and kili as well)

Is it getting hot in here?

I love the smell of promethium in the morning.

And the final Negavolt cultist. When I drew him I sorta sighed since they really aren't fun to paint. Too many fiddly little bits. But hes the last one in the box so with him done all four are finished and I got to work.

He came out pretty well overall. They all did and I'm happy one of the batches of guys are done!

Next up is Pious Vorne. A crazy (imperial) cultist who follows the preacher from BSF. She has a chainsaw flamerthrower because that a sane sounding weapon for a sane person.

A couple things to notice: First the flames came out really well with her. I'm proud of them. Next the fuel line for her flamethrower runs along the side of the chainsword... and an open flame. This seems unsafe even by imperial standsrds (both Imperium of Man and The Galactic Empire)

Finally heres a group shot. Vorne, the King and some ugly dwarf fight the forces of Chaos together! DEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATH!