Monday, March 25, 2019

Duddard Teeth's Gluttonous Crew

Today I finally sat down and photographed my entire ogre army! Here it is in all its glory.

The ahem "Thundertusk" Landship



Ironguts with the giant behind them

Bulls with here


Leading from his trusty rowboat is Duddard Teeth himself. Swinging an Anchor and ready to crush his foes. with his hunter besides him.

Weekly Post #11

This week I got the bases for my sisters done. I'm emulating a sort of springtime snowmelt with a mix of melting snow and mud on their bases.

And another view

In addition I painted more of my T'au. Here we see all four painted from left to right: a Pathfinder, 2 Fire Warriors and a Kroot (one of the T'au auxiliary races)



And all three completed Fire Warriors.

I'm going to try and finish my entire T'au army before I order more models with one minor exception for my sisters Kill Team. See ya'll next week!

Monday, March 18, 2019

Weekly Post #10

They're done! The last four sisters including the Sister Superia and Heavy Flamer armed sisters are finished. Here they are.

I went a bit heavy on the ink (or forgot to clean it up afterwards) with the Sister Superia but ah live and learn.

Here's a closeup of each sister now:

Sister Superia w/Chainsword and Plasma Pistol

Sister with Heavy Flamer

Grenade throwing Sister, this is my 2nd favorite sculpt. Right behind the one who is holding her bolter in a single hand. (Who apparently is also a sister Superia so I ended up with two of those)

Finally just a generic sister.

And the full squad, ready to purge the myriad of foes the Imperium has. For the Emperor!

A Rainbow of tartans!

A small hint at whats coming next week.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Weekly Post #9

Not much this week, just three more sisters. This time I went with a yellow theme, orange theme and a mixed color of blue+green for the sixth sister. I plan to do purple for the Sister Superia (squad leader) which should be done this week.

I particularly like the blue+green sculpt. Holding the rosarius in one hand and the bolter one handed as she smites the enemies of the Imperium rocks pretty hard. Though my picture taking could still use some work since I cut off the bolter on this picture. I also started using nuln oil again which can be seen on the Blue+green & orange models. I think their metal looks nicer than the others (with the fluer-de-lis being much more apparent)

I let the ink pool too much on the orange tartan so I'll have to be more careful of that in the future. The yellow one also uses black lines instead of the standard white I've been using so far. I think it works and may even do black+white lines at some point in the future (with grey dots where they intersect).

Unfortunately due to snow we ended up not meeting for terrain building Sunday, but hopefully this week I'll get the last 4 sisters (2 bolters, multi-melta and sister superia) finished and have another terrain building day to show off. We did have a fairly successful shopping run to Hobby Lobby which let me pick up some more terrain building materials along with a trip to home depot in order to scout out materials for a board we plan to make.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Weekly Update #8 (Its LAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE)

Alright so here it is the last update of February+First Update of March

Starting out I finished my FINAL OGRE UNIT: The Scraplauncha!

Its finally ogre. I'm done with them!

Moving on I fixed up that terminator captain that I plan to turn into a statue, giving him a new arm and new swordhand+sword:

Next I painted 3 of my Adepta Sororitas, the first of the "Order of the Broken Blade" (the dwarves were test models for these to see if I liked the scheme). I ended up going with gunmetal+silver armor instead of adding the blue tinge since I felt the neutral theme helped with the color variety on the tartans.

I think they look pretty great overall. Finally a Picture of my and two friends working on Terrain for our local group this past Sunday:

Some terrain pieces that still need fixing:

The Adeptus Mechanicus hard at work:

Finally some finished pieces, new paint, floor grating, overgrown moss and of course, khornate graffiti: