Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ogre Pirates

Full unit

Butcher (Not finished, needs to be inked)



Full army

LotR Battle Report

The Battlefield. Dwarves start on the left, Uruk-Hai on the right. Goblins could spawn anywhere there are wooden planks

The Dwarven force, left to right: Balin, Gimli and Dain.

The Uruk-hai force, led by a brutal uruk-hai captain.

The Dwarven objective, a hostage held by the uruk-hai.

Balin distributes dwarven justice to the Uruk-Hai, the goblins having already caused massive casualties to the elite orcs.

Balin and Dain go for the objective while Gimli prepares to hold off the reinforcements.

Having freed the prisoner Balin falls trying to escape the ruins.

Gimli cannot hold back the Goblin king.

Only Dain is left to make their escape.

An epic showdown.

Dain fails to keep the hostage safe and thus ends a tragic day for Durins Folk.

Saturday, April 27, 2013