Saturday, August 31, 2019

Weekly Post #29

Only one picture today! I finished my final Emeraldgard soldier (closest to the camera) and I've been working on some modular terrain which is what they're all standing on! each tower segment can stack on the others and the walkways can connect between them. They'll be painted later but I'm going to make a whole lot more first.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Weekly Post #28

First up my Acolyte Hybrids got their bases done!


Next I grabbed a random T'au from my box. This was actually a test of vallejo paint on primer and I think it turned out nicely.  He compares well to the T'au I did earlier in the year.


Another Guardian Defender


A goblin! Again using the paint on primer. The T'au was to see how it worked with hard plastic. This is the softer bones material by reaper miniatures.

Tempestus Scions sergeant Wilford Brimley. I thought up a lore thing for these guys to fit in with my sisters/guard army.


 They are the "Emeraldgard" the defenders of the royal family of Morrighan. They forsake their clan to join it and thus bear no clan colors but its an incredibly prestigious position.


 Another angle. I used a brighter green for the cable this time. I think it complements the model well.

I built this guy this morning. A Dunecrawler. Though the cult can't actually take these I'm planning to run it as a dunecrawler if my opponent lets me and if not then as a Leman Russ.


Finally... I built the "Patriarch" of my cult. The leader to whom all others are subserviant. Father Typhon. Lorewise he killed the originating Patriach (a horrible monster known as a genestealer) and broke its mental control over the cult. He then used his knowledge of cybernetics and biology along with a "requisitioned" brilliant Neurologist (she'll get a model in the future) he gave himself the psionic control of the cult. They now obey his every whim. Not quite full hive-mind status but enough that they cannot resist him in the slightest, and even view him as their old patriach. A god among them...

 Hes pretty big. Here he is compared to some of the scions above.


Finally everything I've built for my cult so far. I need to get more spraypaint to prime those in grey plastic. The paint for the tanks is ordered but I need to put in an order for more infantry primer (albeit only Typhon and the heavy weapons team back there need it.

Also I bought a few folding tables and a game mat to play at my house with!. They store up pretty easily so huzzah! home gaming!

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Weekly Post #27

Whats poppin?

Heres another big update! I need to get regular about weekly updates again because this is silly.
For the last couple of weeks I've been steadily basing up my Genestealer cult and painting up the Brood Brothers here's the results hope you like them!

Next we have some brood brothers. As I post this their bases are also finished but when I took the pictures they weren't so...


Brood Brother with Lasgun 1

Brood Brother with Icon (I've tried spicing up the icons by giving a red mark across the neck, the general idea is supposed to be a "cut" (ie decapitate the snake) but it kind of comes across as a collar. Not sure how to make the icon work more for my faction without too much work. (The theme is a cult who've broken from the hive mind, and take an anti-tyrannid & anti-imperium stance so they're sort of anarchists)

Brood Brother Grenadier 1

Brood Brother with Lasgun 2

Brood Brother Grenadier 2

Brood Brother Vox Operator

Brood Sister with Autogun

Brood Brother with Autogun

Brood Sister with Lasgun

Another Angle, showing off her cybernetics better.

The Entire Squad

Simple conversion of a Commissar I did the other day. Not sure if I'll use him as a company commander for Brood Brothers or as a Primus for my Cult. (Brood Brothers can act as either an independent force or as part of the cult, hence why this model could be either). I'm leaning towards Company Commander, and since I plan to run those in pairs I think I'll get a second one using the Severina Raine model and have twin company commanders.

And I built Leman Russ Battle Tank. With the Commander next to it for scale. The smaller gun in the front is magnetized, as are a couple options for side sponsons (and weapons for those side sponsons) I didn't bother magnetizing the main cannon (the turret swivels on its own) because I don't see myself running anything except the main cannon on this particular Russ.

Finally the 3 options I had devised for "The Grimm" space marines. I believe I'm leaning to the scheme to the right, with the dark blue base with gunmetal trim.