Saturday, May 16, 2020

Weeks 16, 17, 18 & 19

Yeesh I let this get away from me, thought I missed like two weeks not four.... Well At least I got a moderate amount done. Some of this stuff I had planned to upload earlier but when I went to take pictures of it I started to notice a ton of little mistakes I had to go back and fix.

Starting out a Wizard from Reaper. Shes super bright but I actually like the look though the eyes feel a tad off. The theme is an elementalist so I wanted her to be half ice and half fire. Here you get a good view of the fire side of her robes and the ice side of her hat. She also wears a little tabard in which the colors are reversed.

Heres her back where you can see she also has a sword and get a bit of a better view on the ice side of her robes.

Next up is the 2nd rogue psyker from blackstone fortress. Hes making big brain plays.

This was one of the 'mistake' models as I attempted to give him psychic energy around his brain using purple wash but it really didn't look right so I ended up repainting it just as normal flesh...

Next is a Tree-revenant again. Another model who I had to redo as the contrast paint missed a lot of little psots that shone through with white under the camera. So I had to go back and patch those spots up.

From the back where most of those spots were showing up.

A second revenant. Same problems as the first but overall ended up looking fine. I might do more detail on their swords later on. Give them golden hilts and such. Also should touch up the little gemstones that hang off them.

I thought up some lore to use these guys specifically with Lythia's retreat. The Tree-Revenants are fallen mortal heroes (elves, dwarves, men) who desperately wanted to accomplish more in their lives when they fell. This gives them another chance as they reform and take to war for temporary moments as Lythia's avenging ghosts.

Next up is the banner bearer. I should clean up the banner a bit but its fine for now. I'll fix it later.

And from the back. I wasn't sure how to paint the back of the banner so I just went with green. I really like how the flag staff connects to tree roots (which according to the leaves are still alive and healthy) which then connects to the gold banner holder at the top. There's no connecting point between the actual banner pole and the banner itself.

So I got this recasted version of the old penitent engine. Partially because I was impatient waiting for new sisters to come out (between the army box and their full release was like 3 months...) I'm not entirely thrilled with it. Theres a lot of miscast stuff and there was a ton of work and it still looks only meh upon close inspection but. It'll do for tabletop quality and at least it wont constantly fall apart like the metal variant.

Its also like 40% bigger than the new one. Its freaking massive.

Two metal sisters of battle. For a red squad. This squad is now finished painted and includes a Sister Superior with power sword. 3 battle sisters with bolters and a battle sister with heavy flamer. I'll add more to it later (including alternative sister superiors, special & heavy weapons)

I played around with the color choice for their tartans a bit. I think the one on the right actually used pink as its lightest color while left had orange/red mix (both washed red later on to darken them up). Overall eh I think I'll stick with 3 variations of red instead.

Next a sister superior for the yellow squad. Armed with a power mace and bolter shes ready to bring a righteous beatdown on the enemies of the emperor.

A backview which also gives a better view of the highlights on her mace which were done with a new colorshifter paint I got. Basd on angle & lighting it changes from metallic blue to metallic green. Not sure how well it shows up here though. I'll be trying it out on other things soon enough.

Next up yellow squad earned a storm bolter member to their squad. Just ready to brrt people out of existence.

A back view of her robes. These girls are taking far longer than I'd like to paint up and I think I need to better plan my painting/building of them. I'm leaning towards simply painting the insides of their tabards then gluing them together rather than painting the entire thing by assembly. It just takes too long.

Next up is the Simulacrum Imperialis bearer of the yellow squad (red doesn't get one... yet). I decided to go with my least favorite topper for them but... I think it turned out really nicely. particularly with the head choice. She just seems really official this way and I ended up liking this model a lot more than I thought I would. <3 cherubs.

Back view of the model. With her bolter holster and everything else. Kinda wish bolter holsters would be on all the sisters (even if empty) but I guess that'd be a bit obnoxious and take away from detail in other places.

A close up of her head front. I should probably clean up that forward shin but I'm probably going to bget lazy about it.

Exodite Forest-Spirit confront the Daughters of the Emperor within their home glade, unaware this unfolding tragedy was all the work of a rogue chaos psyker!

The forest terrain comes from week 17, it was supposed to be just a sunday project but ended up taking a lot longer while waiting for stuff to dry. Even now I'm fixing a piece which warped a bit. Terrain takes a lot of time but giving models context really helps bring out whats best in em.

I've stopped drawing miniatures randomly as I kinda just wanna get things finished and I'm focusing on painting up my sisters. I also got another unit of Atalan Jackals who are ready to be primed.

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