Monday, February 11, 2019

Weekly Update #5

Aaaaaaaaand I'm back and with what I've done for the last two weeks. It hasn't been quite as productive but things still got done!

First I finished up my ogre Maneaters. They're not the official maneater models but I put more work into them to make them unique (notice the blue-ring octopus on the captains head).

I'm trying out a new photography method (using my window for light) so tell me how it works compared to older photographs.

After I finished these models my painting table, much like Cadia, was destroyed in an arm-related accident.

But with some work by the Adeptus Mechanicus its now in working shape again (with about 4 more heavy duty screws in the side)

I also decided to strip some models. Here's a before and after of a terminator captain I plan to turn into a fancy statue. I used purple power. I prefer LA Awesome but couldn't find any (I later found some at the dollar store...oh well time to use up a gallon of this stuff first). It worked pretty well. (You can see the cup the model was soaking in on the table there). I ended up soaking it for about 48 hours

Finally I used a dwarf to test a possible scheme for my Adepta Sororitas when they come in.

Dog Tax: A picture of Mina, our neighbors dog. She likes our porch better for some reason.

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