Sunday, January 20, 2019

Weekly Update #2

I think this records the date of the update anyways so no reason to title it that way. Heres this weeks updates though!

First I went back and got every ogre whom I already painted but whose base I hadn't painted and fixed that oversight! I missed one that was in my D&D box though =/... so he's been added to the next batch of basic ogres I'm painting (this week!)

First up for character is Oin from the Hobbit set by GW. I think its Oin. I like his beard braid and I painted the edge & scarf yellow to keep in theme with my other dwarves.

Next is Freja Fangbreaker from Reaper. First time doing darker skin and I think it turned out okay. I'm really impressed by how the wood on her shield turned out. Looks excellent. Less happy with how the red in her hair/braids showed up but its alright.

Here's the other side so you can see the design on her shield. Picture came out a bit blurry but thats okay. I'm too lazy to fix it. Also like how the gem on the axe pommel looks.

Next up is Radagast the Green! This was a limited edition model that came with the Hobbit Starter set and I'm particularly pleased with how he came out. I may go back to touch up those eyebrows that I can't unsee now that I'm looking at the picture but everything else looks pretty great!

A Dwarf Engineer by Games Workshop. Pretty sure this is no longer in print with the dawn of Age of Sigmar and dwarves seemingly shuffled into either Techno-dwarves led by Airship Monopoly Man or Dwarven Slayers riding dragons. He looks good though with the metal, I wish I had based him before painting as I feel the flat grey base does him a disservice. I'll look into priming future models *after* basing them.

I did not paint this fine fellow this week, oh no. This was my first ever painted miniature. the command of a Bugman's Rangers squad for dwarves that I painted in 1998 (My time frame may be a bit off here, but around when I was 10 or 11 since I remember I was a year under the "recommended age" on the warhammer box which was 12).  I wanted to post him to compare to the recent dwarf since they're the same style and even color of beard. Goblin Green base!

Finally I touched up the face on this gnome bard from last week. It still looks a bit odd in a photo but it looks fine on tabletop. I need to practice faces a lot.

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