Saturday, July 27, 2019

Weekly Post #26

Here we go! and its a big week because I sorta went crazy the last couple days:

First a new Aberrant, The skull ended up matching the tan of the carapace part a bit too well but whatever.

Then anotehr new Abberant this time with a Power Sledgehammer! I liked the glow effect I got for the power coils on the hammer.

Next we got the Hypermorph with improvised weapon. He's a fun model.

Finally the first HQ option. The Abominant. I've named him Gax and hes a bit slow but he hits like a truck.


I'm fond of his overalls.


Finally the full squad of Abberants with the Abominant leading them.

 Next we have my Jackal Alphus. Named "Chizu Kawasaki". She acts as sort of scouting HQ and sniper. She was a fun model to paint and the first I've painted by assembly (painting parts of the model before putting them together, in this case the rider & bike were painted separately)

The other side of the bike with gas can and her stable foot. Note I used a unique head for this mini. I custom ordered a ton of heads to use.

This is probably the best view of how I've been doing the lights on the GSC uniforms. I coat the area in silver then give it a clear yellow coat.Which I hope gives a glow effect but I'm not sure how effective it is.

A 2nd neophyte squad leader.

Neophyte Grenadier

3rd Gen Neophyte Shotgunner

3rd Gen Neophyte Autogunner


Neophyte Autogunner This one actually uses the true head for the Jackal Alphus.

Neophyte with Webber. Another unique head. Not sure what webbers actually are honestly...

Neophyte with Iconward and shotgun. I don't actually run squads with iconwards I just think banners are fun.

Neophyte with Seismic Cannon. Did a glow effect on its power wire, battery and the vent on the side of the gun. Think they cam out really nicely.

Decided to use different colors for the batteries this time and the gun came out... a bit girlier than I intended but that's okay. I was hoping the metallic purple would look more like an energy tube or something but It didn't quite work out that way. Maybe if I only did thin lines of silver (like lightning) it would have worked out better. I'll probably repaint the barrel at the very least. This is a neophyte with mining laser btw.

The full Neophyte Squad (including the old Porter on the right)

And my full 500 pt army. Only one squad unpainted (the brood brothers in the back). And I've decided on my basing scheme I just need to get some supplies to start it up!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Weekly Post #24 & #25

Sorry for the excessive delay but heres the update for the last two weeks

First is Galm, thats the name of the abberant in my kill team well after some poor performance in games he got himself a little upgrade and now wields a mighty hammer. I think I want to paint the power coil in the hammer though so it gives off a nice green glow.


You can see some bulging scar tissue as well that I painted pink on his back. It looks rather nice. Since the hammer upgrade hes scored himself a few kills and soaks up a good amount of damage before going down.

Next we have a brand new member of the team: Eldrin. hes just a stock Neophyte with an autogun and some dynamite.

After him is Vigo, a generation 3 neophyte wielding a shotgun. Again aboust as basic as you get.

Next is Steve or "Scuba Steve" thanks to his facemask. Again just another neophyte with an autogun. This time with hazard stripes though. None of these three (Eldrin, Vigo or Steve) have really done ANYTHING in games except be killed but hey, thats kinda what they exist for.

Next is an unnamed gen 3 hybrid with an autogun. He was painted last night and is more for my push to hit the 500 pt mark in the escalation league which bumps up on Thursday.

Finally Porter my medic has been upgraded to be a banner bearer for the team. This ironically doesn't do a better job of representing what hes armed with since he can't take a power maul and prefers a shotgun but my choice of left handed weapons was limited thanks to the nature of the kitbash I did.

I also made some scratch built terrain out of soda cans, chipboard, granny grating, straws and hot glue. I really like the ooze effects coming out of the piping.

The group all together on the terrain.. Galm is taking a shower.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Weekly Post #23

Sorry its a bit late but that just means I have more to show off than normal!

First a shielded Sequitor!

Then a two-handed Sequitor! And with this one done the entire Storm Strike box is complete!

Got to play a couple games of it last Thursday using these painted dudes and dudettes and it was a pretty fun time although I feel this box favors the Stormcast pretty badly (or maybe just whoever rolls well since the myrmourn can technically wipe out a squad in one turn fairly easily if they roll decently on to hit/wounds)

Next we have my Genestealer cults! here we see Mr. Dynamite

Then we have the Acolyte leader.

And my favorite weapon wielder the Heavy Rock Saw!

Next we have the Kellermorph, a genestealer cult folk hero triple wielding guns! I've named mine "Jayne" although his cloak is an homage to the man with no name. If I ever get a 2nd kellermorph that one will become jayne (and get an appropriate hat and this one will change to the Kellermorph with no Name)

The back shows off his cloak a bit better. Also I was inspired for basing these guys to go with a lime green base (in this case hexwraith flame same as my nighthaunts) then I plan to put a gloss varnish over it to give it a wet appearance and finally put agrellan earth over that (Agrellan earth cracks when it dries to give an encrusted earth look, I'm hoping to give the vibe of a dead planet with some kind of toxic ooze running through it) I need to get the gloss varnish and agrellan earth first though.

Next we have an Abominant! and the first model painted with contrast paints!

He turned out pretty good and I like the difference between the tyranid flesh (tan) and the humanish flesh (the darker flesh) I probably should have used a brown on his pants instead of tan though, it blends with the leg a bit.

This was technically the first guy I painted with contrast but I ended up going back and doing a lot of details on him.

Details liks the gas canister and caution near the nozzle.

Next we have the first gen 3 hybrid. Technically a siesmic cannon but I'll probably use it as a mining laser in 40k games and a heavy stubber in KT

The 2nd heavy rock saw and a contender for my favorite model. More caution tape, those fun little weird goggles, and a more dynamic pose than the other heavy rock saw.

The bossman. Almost ironically he's going to spend most of his time hiding in the back since hes more useful as a command point generator than he ever will be in combat.

Still he cuts a dynamic figure with his bolt pistol and POWER PICK!

Next is Dr. Shotgun. He specializes in Shotgun surgeries. Technically supposed to be an icon ward but I didn't model him with it so that will have to be another model.

I'm hoping more models have good places to put the blue like this armband though. Since I'd rather have them be tan/brown in coloration with blue being a detail color rather than the main color.

GRENADES! Just a basic neophyte gunner with a grenade launcher. He and the Flamer guy kind of compete for the same spot and I'm not sure which I'd prefer.

Finally what is probably my favorite model just because of how colorful he is (or he's competing with rock saw #2) is the actual Mining laser guy. Battery packs, caution tape, a fun visor. He was just a fun model to paint.

His back view (one more battery pack on his backpack there)

Finally the whole team together! (this includes the drill from two weeks ago but not the kellermorph, acolyte leader or mr dynamite)